About LFAC

The world is going through an era in which people are facing global-wise and country-wise issues in education – devastating effects of natural disasters, the remnants of the Covid-19 pandemic, inadequacies in adapting to the new mode of teaching and learning, insufficient digital competence, lack of appropriate resources, and reluctance to transform deep-seated constructs. These issues triggered our motivation to hold this conference.  


We aim to rediscover the depths of language while trying to excel in the field of language learning and teaching by gently exchanging ideas, raising awareness and increasing motivation to share and embrace one another’s world. As we move forward on this path, it seems inevitable to get involved with AI. In this context, while AI empowers us to leverage our language learning and teaching experiences as well as assisting us with conveying messages from past to present and future, it may also emerge as a challenge to learners and teachers.

Let language be your mirror…!