1. Sustainability in Education
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Eco-friendly Pedagogy
- Sustainable Resources and Materials
- Environmental Education in ELT
- Environmental Humanities
- Eco-Literature (Eco-Criticism)
2. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
- Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
- Critical Pedagogy in Language Education
- Language Teaching for Inclusive Education
3. Inclusive Education
- Inclusive Education
- Language for Social Change and Advocacy
- Teacher Development & Lifelong Learning
4. Global Citizenship & Social Responsibility
- Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility
- Intercultural Communication and Global Competence
- Language & Culture
- Literature & Social Justice
5. Language and Linguistics
- Linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Global English and Language Varieties
6. Digital Literacy and Technology
- Digital Literacy & Technology Integration
- Blended and Online Learning
7. Assessment and Learning Evaluation
- Assessment for Sustainable Learning
- Assessment in Language Education
8. English for Special Purposes
- English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
9. Psychology and Well-being
- Psychology and Well-being in Language Learning
10. Leadership and Educational Management
- Educational Management
- Educational Leadership
11. Language Teaching for Social Change
- Language for Social Change and Advocacy
12. Teacher Development
- Teacher Development & Lifelong Learning
13. Language Teaching Innovations
- Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
- Blended and Online Learning
14. Cultural and Linguistic Studies
- Language & Culture
- Intercultural Communication and Global Competence
15. Global and Environmental Education
- Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility
- Environmental Education in ELT
- Environmental Humanities